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The Girl From The Hill

The Girl From The Hill

Dona Alencar


The girl from the hill tells the story of a 17-year-old girl who lived in Morro da Fé, her name was Luna. I was her best friend, and I'll tell you how she lives life intensely. But her life will take an incredible turn as time goes by. At each stage of her life, Luna discovers that it takes a lot of maturity, as well as wisdom, to become a better person. Being able to find out what she really wanted in her life. Becoming then a strong woman.

Capítulo 1 Chapter 1:. Where did I come from!

Luna was a 17-year-old girl who lived in Morro da Fé. She lived her life to the extreme. She never thought about anything, she made her life one big "Fuck you" button. She didn't care about anything, and neither did anyone, because she knew that if she did, she would suffer the consequences of her attitudes, so she tried to become a more mature woman for her age. But still thinking about the consequences.

These consequences, which later she will have to bear, having to endure, with everything she has already done, despite Luna living to the extreme, she was a good girl for her parents, she always got good grades, she always walked in line, but why then did she "live life to the fullest"? This happened right after she met Leo.

Good! I'm Fran, her best friend, and I'm going to tell you a little about "my friend Luna". She was beautiful, with a beautiful smile, a seductive look, who conquered everything she wanted, without having to insist, or humiliate herself for someone.

She was always a devoted and consoling friend, if I remember correctly, she gave the best advice to everyone, but not to herself, always looking out for others, but who took care of her? Simply nobody. It hurt her a lot.

She then decided to live life to the extreme, became a bad girl, not doing mean things to others, more in terms of hurting feelings, without even feeling an ounce of guilt. Hurting was her specialty.

You could call it selfish, because that's what she had become. Luna knew what she wanted from her life, but even so, she insisted on being this fake person, so one day, I asked Luna.

- Who do you think you're kidding? pretending to be who you are not?.

Luna simply replied!

- I'm not being who I am, because who I am is very good for everyone, except for herself!

I was in shock for a moment, but I knew what she was talking about, sometimes we need to be who we are not, not to be made an idiot, because when you're young, you're made a "workhorse". Workhorse for everyone even his family. Being deceived, humiliated and even belittled by inferior people.

Luna never accepted the separation of her parents, however over the years, she was taking it easy, that she had two houses. One that she only spent the weekend, It's the other that stayed during the week.

That was the week she wanted to end soon, so she could go to her father's house, there she said she had more freedom, she stayed on the street, went out to have fun, slept late, it was a glamorous life. Unlike the life she had with her mother who only worked, while she did many things alone.

One fine day, I saw Luna very sad, with a downcast face. So I did everything for her not to be sad, because as her "alleged friend", I felt obliged to help her, to end this damn sadness. As soon as she got more cheerful, I asked?

- What happened this time?

She smiled and simply said that nothing had happened. As well? Do people get sad out of nowhere?

Luna was a little weird, could it be that she had a lot of problems, poorly organized in her head. To me she looked mean, but to her, she just thought it was okay. Nothing looked bad to her, even her sad face.

Once I saw Luna, chatting with a beautiful boy, she told me that she liked him very much. Only he, he wasn't a boy for her, made Luna lose herself, in her lying words. I've seen him flirting with several girls in his class, one even hated her, because she thought Luna had stolen him from her. Since they weren't even boyfriends, just hookups.

Tell the truth! I think he had something with this girl, because it wouldn't be possible for someone to hate another without even knowing it, or is it just hate for hate? Because Luna is prettier than her!

I can't say, but there was a time when this "such a boy" despised Luna, asking this girl to accompany him. My friend was devastated, she couldn't stop crying, so she told me. "I know what he wants", but I'm afraid to tell a secret of mine", then she continued talking, "if he found out about that, they would tell everyone, and I would be a laughing stock".

I was simply shocked by her words, as I considered myself Luna's "best friend". How could he not know some of her secrets? How did she even have things to hide from me? I was a pain in the ass, or she just didn't trust me, to the point of hiding a secret that I wasn't worthy of knowing, I kept thinking to myself, and I kept asking myself the following questions. What are these secrets? What is she hiding from this trash boy?

Despite these questions, in my mind, I let it go, because I didn't know Luna as well as I thought, because she never invited me, to go to her mother's house, so I never asked to go to her house too. Until one day, she came to my house desperate, asking for my help, so she simply said.

- Luna want to ask you something?

Luna said

- Ask!

- What is this secret?

She just got sad, as she said it with a crying tone.

- I told that boy that I lived in a condominium. But it's not true!

She kept talking...

- Not only that, I also lied that I wasn't a virgin, but I still am!

I asked her, where do you live anyway?

Well, knowing that she lied about not being a virgin anymore, it will, but since I had never been to Luna's house, I just didn't know where she came from.

Luna then told me...

- I live on the hill, so I didn't want to tell anyone, it's not that I'm ashamed of my house, or my origin, but I don't want him to find out about it.

Like this! because she was afraid to tell this boy where she came from. I never asked myself, but I found some slang familiar, favela dances, which she knew, even her clothes, which were very similar to those of funkeiras here.

This was not to be ashamed of, but to say, where you really come from. I kept thinking about the way Luna told me, that's when I thought and had an idea, then I started telling her.

- Why don't you tell him the truth, if he loves you, or likes you as he says. He'll accept you anyway, however if he doesn't like you, he'll be prejudiced. Thus giving you an out.

Luna, smiled speaking.

- You're right, if he really likes me, he'll accept me the way I am, and where I come from, because I also don't know where he really lives!

Every time we kissed, it was right in the square.

I found it very strange, he didn't tell her where he comes from either. Does he also have some hidden secret?

I stopped, analyzed, giving her strength, to go tell "such a boy". So she went to meet him, to tell a little more of his story.

When people like each other, or even love each other, where they come from doesn't really matter, just love, that's what counts for both.

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