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"The impossible love from an ordinary girl and a soldier". That's what might probably happen to Cassandra Lewis. Does she deserve that? Maybe. From all ups and downs in her life, especially from romantic way she's totally lost. With events that were taunting her because of her ex, she's finally free from him. However, she ends up falling in love for a soldier from another country whilst the war is happening. The suffering from her beloved soldier will end? Are they going to end up together? These popping questions don't get out from Cassandra's mind. Actually, that's something that we'll all figure out through the storyline.

Capítulo 1 Chapter one

It was a normal day, a day where the same things always happens, the daily routine of people or almost for some. Although there are some happy people and some sad people, in reality this had to be or has to be because of the balance of life.

Not everything was "perfect" for some and people are fully aware of that. Perhaps they are not so ignorant after all. With thousands of people existing on earth, we focused on the life of a young woman sunk in her deepest thoughts.

She watched the horizon through the window of her room and, a light blow of wind lifted her strands of black and shiny hair. Suddenly she lets the insistent tear run down her angelic and sensitive face.

- Cass... are you alright? - asked a hoarse but soft voice. In a fraction of seconds Cassandra wiped her tears when she realised that the door of her room was being opened.

- yes, of course Jade - Cassandra replied with a forced smile. She wanted to hide it as much as possible so that her friend didn't realize that she was crying.

Cassandra really didn't want to talk to anyone about what upset her and made her feel sad. Maybe it's because of the fear I felt of people's reaction if they knew.

- Cassandra, you can't fool me because I'm your best friend since our childhood - Jade walked to the bed and sat down, but she didn't look away from Cassandra.

Cassandra rolled her eyes knowing that was true. He couldn't hide what he felt any longer, sooner or later people had to know. And that made her sigh heavily.

- It's about Robin... - Cassandra felt a strong grip when mentioning that name.

Robin was her crush when she was in high school. In fact, they've been dating for a few years. She was madly in love with him and he was in love with her. Perhaps.

- What did that idiot do? - Jade questioned and automatically frowned. She always makes a point of protecting her friend and hates when they hurt those close to her.

- you know? I really don't know... sometimes I feel like he never loved me, do you understand? That I was just another one for him, as if he didn't care a bit about my feelings... - she replied, reflecting everything. Absolutely everything about the moments they spent together.

- I understand... but you have to understand that he is now in the past - right after that sentence, Jade sighed deeply and Cassandra turns her attention to the outside of the window.

- I... want to be alone... - Cassandra announced and didn't even look at her friend's face. And as expected, Jade just obeyed.

Cassandra was a little irritated by her friend's comment. Of course, it's been a year since they ended their relationship, which actually wasn't very healthy. But Cassandra still loved him... she tried to deny herself that she no longer had feelings for him.

She was trying to get it into her head that now she was going to start her first year at college l, and her 18th birthday was approaching. It was the perfect time to forget high school and focus on the future. What you really wanted in your life.

She has always been an excellent student and has friends who are always supportive of her... especially Dave, her best friend.

- hello smarfina! - a voice very familiar to Cassandra sounded in her room. At least that made her let out a delighted smile.

- Dave! - Cassandra exclaimed going to the arms of her great friend. Oh, the relationship between these two was very strong.

Since high school, Cassandra has always trusted him blindly. Let's say that Dave also had a Crush for Cassandra but never had the courage to admit it until when Cassandra turned 17, that is, a year ago, right after she ended her relationship with Robin.

As Cassandra had just ended a relationship, she couldn't say "yes" to Dave right away. No. Aside from still being in love with Robin, she didn't want to hurt and ruin her friendship with Dave. But, he swore up and down that he would never hurt her feelings the way Robin had and that he would make her very happy. Cassandra didn't doubt it but she wasn't ready yet.

- what are you doing here? - Cassandra questioned smiling at Dave.

- Can't I visit my little one anymore? - Dave questioned looking back into Cassandra's dark brown eyes.

- hahaha stop it - Cassandra replied giving a light push on Dave's shoulder.

In fact, Cassandra liked Dave too, she always had but she wasn't sure of her feelings and didn't really know what to say.

- What are you thinking so much about? - Dave asked, looking at Cassandra's face that was obviously serious.

- Nothing .. it's nothing - Cassandra sighed tired of it all, just wanted to forget the past.

- Please Cassandra... look at me - Dave touched her face forcing her to look directly into his eyes - You've been suffering from this for a long time, it's time to overcome the person who never valued you and ... - Dave didn't finish talking and Cassandra already let her tears fall. Right now she just needed a hug instead of hearing more about her past.

Dave then hugged her, stroking her shiny black hair. Cassandra just limited herself to cry against her friend's chest.

- I... I need you Dave - Cassandra says between sobs and Dave didn't stop his process.

- I'll always be here for you Cassandra, don't worry about it - Dave replied trying to comfort her.

- I-I love you Dave... - Cassandra whispered and Dave when he heard that stopped making cafuné.

- I love you too and Cassandra a lot - Dave separated them from the hug and looked her in the eyes as if he wanted to know what she thinks so much.

- I want this to work between us... I know it's late to say that and you must think I... - Dave interrupted her, sealing his lips with hers...

At first it was an intense kiss full of indecisions but that didn't stop them from breaking that stunning moment. Everything seemed to be in a thousand wonders until Cassandra decided to break the kiss abruptly.

- What it was? Was it something I did? - Dave questioned after Cassandra's sudden act. She didn't answer, just remained silent.

Dave, a little irritated by the tremendous and agonizing silence between the two of them, sat staring into space.

- I thought you had already surpassed him - Dave said taking his hands in his thin hair.

- Get out of my room... - Cassandra finally says. This only made the situation more tense between the two and Dave shrugged.

- Remember that your indecision will only make the situation worse - Dave says getting up and heading towards the door.

Cassandra didn't answer. Dave sighed once more in defeat and left the room at last.

*Six days after*

It was the beginning of classes. That would mean Cassandra's first day of law school. In one hand she was completely excited to be in a new mood, but in another had she was nervous.

It was exciting to know that you were already a university student. It was what Cassandra felt. But on the other hand, it would be a little tricky because she literally didn't know anyone. Cassandra left Lisbon, her birthplace, four days ago to study higher education in Edinburgh.

It was her dream since she was a little girl and she would finally be realizing it soon. She knew few people in Edinburgh, she had a lot of family, of course, but in terms of having friends mainly at her college, she didn't have any. Absolutely none and it made her shudder.

- Hey, do you need help with that? - A young blonde asked pointing to the locker in which Cassandra struggled to open.

- Oh yeah! Of course! - Cassandra exclaimed showing an embarrassed smile, opened space for the young woman to pass and solve her problem.

- That's just you just do this - the young blonde says pressing the keys and lightly pushed the door, then turned the key twice and the door opened.

Cassandra after seeing the result, formed a huge "0" with her mouth and her eyes showed gratitude and astonishment*.

- Thank you for the help. It's just that I'm new here and I don't understand much about these things... - Cassandra tried to explain while gesturing her hands clumsily.

- Always available darling! - the young woman exclaimed showing an encouraging smile -Besides, this college is many years old and things around here are already very old, you just need to have a few tricks up your sleeve - she added, winking her left eye.

Cassandra burst out laughing and it didn't take long for the blonde to follow her too.

- I'm glad that the first time I found someone as "Out going" as you - Cassandra commented smiling relaxed - By the way, my name is Cassandra Lewis. It's a pleasure to meet you - she raised her right hand so that she could greet the blonde and she returned the gesture.

- The pleasure is all mine! My name is Elizabeth Hollister, but as I've seen that you're a nice person, you can call me Eliz - the blonde says analyzing every corner of Cassandra's face.

- Hollister... that last name reminded me of the saga...

- The selection! Elizabeth squealed. Glad to hear that someone else has been following the books.

- I can't believe you read them too! - Cassandra's eyes widened in surprise - I love so much the young model on the cover of the book, Audrey Hollister, I even imagined her as America Singer... you by any chance...? - Cassandra raised an eyebrow in hopes of getting an answer.

- Oh, it would be a dream to be familiar with a character from my favorite book - Elizabeth replied - And you... where do you come from? You don't look like you're from here - Elizabeth noticed me because of Cassandra's accent.

- Ahm, I'm from England but I'm of Korean descent... my grandfather was from Korea and then he moved to the UK since he was very young... - Cassandra explained while remembering her family's history.

- Ahh now it makes sense! - He exclaimed taking his thumb and index finger to his chin - it's almost the same thing that happened to me. My great-grandparents were American and they left my grandfather here in the UK because of some problems... - Cassandra realized that Elizabeth didn't want to talk much about the subject so she did what she should do:

- I just hope you're a freshman like me because otherwise I'll be lost - Cassandra commented completely changing the subject.

- Hahaha you won't be anything, actually I passed to the second year. I'm doing family law and civil registration - Elizabeth replied smiling.

- Ahhh good! I'm following criminal law - Cassandra looked at the blonde in search of some support because she was the only person she sympathized with, she's in a different area and year too.

- Everything will be fine Cassandra! First year will be simple, don't worry - Elizabeth put one of her hands over Cassandra's shoulder trying to comfort her.

- Thank you Eliz! - he exclaimed while trying to relax his shoulders that were tense.

It didn't take long for both to start walking and each went to their respective classroom.

What was to be expected, Cassandra was a few minutes late as she was looking for her room. Elizabeth didn't have time to help her because she had already left some things pending, according to her explanations.

- You can come in, young man - the teacher's hoarse voice was heard throughout the room - you're late. Eleven minutes late - he announced as he glanced at his wristwatch.

- I apologize profusely Professor - Cassandra apologized as she entered the room abruptly and in long strides sat in the first available seat.

- Well, as everyone who is present already knows my name - the professor pointed to the board that said "Sampaio" - I'm your main professor, from the chair of Law and how I want to get to know you more quickly , you will do a job with your colleague and it will be about the reason for your choice in the field of criminal law. I want it ready in four days. - Professor Sampaio explained while walking from one side to the other.

Cassandra sighed a little tired because she already has a job on the first day and to make matters worse, there was no one sitting next to her.


- Hey, I can be your co-worker since you and I don't have anyone - a brunette with dark brown eyes addressed Cassandra while putting his hands in his pants pockets.

- Ahm yes, of course - Cassandra replied with a smile - you can sit down now - he asked while watching him still standing.

He sat down and then looked into Cassandra's eyes without saying a word. The same awkwardly, she tried to look away at the teacher.

When she did that, she heard a chuckle from the brunette who hadn't announced his name yet.

- My name is Christian Evans and you... - Moreno tried to call Cassandra's attention who at the moment, for unknown reason, felt a little uncomfortable with his presence.

- Cassandra Lewis.

- I like the name - Christian praised while watching her. Cassandra didn't even take her attention away from the professor, she didn't want to see Christian's face.

- Thanks. - he replied harshly and intertwined their fingers.

- Are you always like this? - Christian questioned while smiling sideways. It even looked like he was enjoying the situation.

- Like this? - Cassandra retorted, this time looking directly into Christian's eyes.

- So... - He paused to think a little - You're so mean - he teased her.

- Rhum ok, as you wish - Cassandra replied shrugging - Now pay attention to the class - she scolded him and in response, received a murmur from him.

- then make me believe that I am wrong! - Christian complained trying to get Cassandra's attention, she rolled her eyes.

- In relation to what Christian? - she asked without the patience to continue with the conversation.

- About me saying you're mean - he replied as if it were the obvious. Cassandra let out an annoyed smile.

- You really just want to argue with me? - Cassandra questioned making a face at Christian. The young man gave a wild smile in response but was completely ignored.

And so the rest of the class passed. Christian always tried to find a way to piss her off but never succeeded. Cassandra thanked the heavens that the class was over, hurriedly got up to pack her belongings and quickly get rid of Christian.

- You still haven't answered my question, Cassandra - Christian held her arm when he saw that she was moving away.

- Let go of me you idiot! - Cassandra got excited when she felt his touch and in fraction of seconds, there was a big crack sounding through the room.

The source of the sound was Cassandra's hand on Christian's face, which in turn, perplexed, dropped it. Some students who were still present in the room were also shocked.

Cassandra, realizing what she had just done, without expecting any unexpected action from Christian, quickly left the room without even looking back and at the comments of colleagues who witnessed such an act.

She was walking so fast through the corridors that she ended up hitting someone who let out a high-pitched scream.

- watch where you're going! - exclaimed a voice not strange to Cassandra. When he regained his posture and lifted his gaze to study the person's face, his eyes widened knowing it was Rachel. Robin's current girlfriend. Your ex.

- Rachel... I'm so sorry... - Cassandra answered slowly and frowned when a question arose to her - I know it's none of my business but what are you doing here? - He asked looking at Rachel who was trying to compose herself.

- ahm well, Robin and I came here a few weeks ago and... - She started to explain when she was interrupted.

- I was referring specifically to your being here at the Faculty of Law since you followed a technical course. - Cassandra said seriously after hearing Robin's name, even more unnecessarily.

- I came to leave some things with... - Rachel stopped talking when she realized something - you know what? Like you said, it's none of your business - with that said, he started walking to the opposite side of Cassandra.

Cassandra, not knowing how to react, just watched her walk away and that's when she had a scare when she felt a hand touching her shoulder.

- Hahaha don't worry, it's just me Cass - Elizabeth says laughing at her friend's face when she turns to her - who was that arrogant girl? - he questioned pointing his head towards Rachel who could hardly see her body anymore.

- it's just my ex's current one - Cassandra replied rolling her eyes and Elizabeth was perplexed for a few seconds and then burst out laughing.

- He traded you for that thing? Hahahaha - with this comment from Elizabeth, Cassandra also started laughing because it seemed like a big joke.

- Ahhh I need a distraction - Cassandra lamented with a rather desperate look at Elizabeth.

- Relax, let's go to Paris cafe - as soon as her friend said that, Cassandra showed a big smile on her face.

Half an hour of conversation and walk from Campos to Café Paris, Cassandra didn't know that place was very frequented by Christian and his company.

- Thank you dear. - Christian replied, giving the young woman a wink and received a glass of cocktail.

As Cassandra was completely distracted, she bumped into Christian who had his back to her and as a result, the entire cocktail fell on top of the young woman who was at the cashier.

- But what an embarrassing situation... I apologize immensely - Cassandra began to regret seeing the disaster she caused and when Christian recognized her voice, he turned to her with a sarcastic face.

- What a surprise! If it isn't the colleague who slapped my face - Christian commented with a lot of sarcasm and anger in his voice.

Cassandra soon realized his move and sighed deeply. It looks like she was trying to find a way to remain calm and collected.

- I'm sorry about what happened a little while ago, okay? But you were asking for them... - She saw that he was going to open his mouth to protest but quickly continued his argument - but obviously it wasn't a reason for me to go to violence. I lost my temper at that moment and about what happened now I can pay you another... - Christian interrupted by raising his hand.

- Enough. Okay, I'm sorry about what happened too - he simply said that, walked away from her and gave the young woman at the register who was cleaning herself a deep look, as if she was sorry for what happened.

The young woman shook her head positively with a smile. Christian reciprocated and went to the table where the rest of his friends were.

- Wow, that was pretty intense - Elizabeth gave her first comment since they arrived at the cafe.

- You don't even want to know what happened - Cassandra said after seeing Eliz's curious look - Let's just get out of here, I completely lost my will - he lamented as he headed towards the exit.

- I'm not so sure, Cass - Elizabeth warned, nodding toward Christian's table.

Cassandra followed his gaze to the table, her eyes and Christian's crossed for a few seconds and then he motioned for her to go there.

- Oh no...

- Ahhh yes Cassandra! You and the handsome guy have chemistry! - Elizabeth exclaimed super happy and Cassandra rolled her eyes - or are you shy and don't want to know what he wants? - teased her.

- What? You're crazy! And I will show you that you are completely wrong about all this! - Cassandra abruptly began to walk to Christian's table and completely ignored Elizabeth's provocations.

When Christian noticed that she was approaching, he quickly got up from the table and motioned for her to follow him to a more "private" place.

- I'm sorry for my behavior a little while ago... - Christian started to speak but it seems he was trying to remember something - it's just that I'm not in my day but that doesn't matter anymore... - Cassandra crossed her arms because she saw that was winding up the story a lot.

- Go straight to the point Christian. - Cassandra stated cutting off the brunette's reasoning.

- well, as we have work at... - Christian after pronouncing the sentence, Cassandra let out a cry for having forgotten college - I thought it would be better that you were at my house. - Right after finishing her argument, Cassandra was speechless for a few seconds.

- me? In your house? - Cassandra questioned putting her hands to her head and Christian realized that she was nervous with the proposal.

- Is there a problem? - Christian questioned raising an eyebrow and Cassandra remained quiet for a while trying to reflect.

- There is no problem - Cassandra said with a little insecurity. It was obvious that she didn't want to go to his place and he knew that right from the start.

- Excellent dear! - He exclaimed clasping his hands with great happiness.

- I'm not your darling - Cassandra replied dryly. He let out a laugh and threw his arms up in the air as if in surrender.

- You're the only one who doesn't know about it, princess. - Christian teased her and started walking to the friends table. These in turn made a kind of code in which Christian just shook his head positively.

- But what time should I show up there? I don't even know your address! - Cassandra started running towards him who was already sitting.

- I'll pick you up from college in two hours, honey. - Christian replied looking at his wristwatch.

- would you mind stopping with the names? - Cassandra questioned already irritated with his insistence.

- Nop.

Cassandra rolled her eyes irritably and Christian's friends burst out laughing. As she was already tired of the situation, she decided to ignore it and went to Elizabeth who was talking calmly with a young Asian man.

- Hey... sorry for the delay Eliz... who's your friend? - Cassandra asked when she got close to them.

- Oh you're back Cassandra! - Elizabeth gave her a provocative look but that was clearly ignored - this is my boyfriend Roger - he said holding the hand of the Asian who smiled.

- Nice to meet you Roger - Cassandra smiled, squeezing his hand which was soon reciprocated.

- I say the same Cassandra. I was even a little curious since Eliz kept talking about you - after that comment, Cassandra started laughing and Elizabeth elbowed her boyfriend.

- Roger! I can't tell you anything anymore! Argh! - Elizabeth complained pretending to be irritated - So Cass... how was the "Talk"? - Eliz questioned with a very curious face and Roger was not left behind.

- it was even quiet and civil - Cassandra replied slowly, it was already possible to see that she was lying.

- And what did they talk about? - this time it was Roger who questioned. Which only left Cassandra outraged by the situation.

- Well, as we have group work, Christian suggested that we do it at his house and... - Cassandra stopped telling because Roger made a strange expression on his face.

- Did you say Christian? Christian Evans? - The Asian questioned a little worried about the situation.

- Yes... how do you know his name and why are you acting strangely? - Cassandra questioned making a look of distrust.

- We were classmates in high school too and let's just say he doesn't have a good reputation... especially with girls. - Roger confessed remembering the past.

- Ish... screwed - Elizabeth launched with the intention of breaking the ice that was forming between them.

- What do you mean by that? - Cassandra questioned once more.

- he just... just be careful Cassandra. - Roger warned but afraid to say anything more about it.

- Oh, you can't imagine how careful I'll be... - After what Cassandra said, she got up and left the cafe without waiting or saying anything to Elizabeth and Roger.

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