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I am not the Villain

With a luxurious life, a perfect fiancé and surrounded by people, Beatrix is a 17-year-old teenager who lives a perfect life in the eyes of society, but what almost no one knows is that she is an unhappy girl. Their relationship made her realize how important she was, but her opinion changes again with the arrival of the student, and taken by the anger of the moment, Beatrix is driven to do absurd things until finally realizing that the real protagonist of the story is her.

Capítulo 1 commemoration

I was hurriedly getting ready for the first back-to-school celebration party, we used to call the school year a ritual, but it was nothing more than lame excuses for young people to get drunk. The clock said 18:50 at night, if I didn't finish in less than five minutes I would be late. I was frantically twirling my curls in a way to finish faster, which wasn't working, until the creaking door woke me up and stopped me from curling my hair. For a brief moment I thought I was my mother, until Felipe walked through the door.

- Hi, you're already here - I said smiling when I saw him enter my room.

— Yes my princess, you are very beautiful. He said pulling me by the waist.

I was wearing a black dress that flattered my curves, the makeup was light, I wore just foundation and a cat eye liner, along with purple lipstick, which went really well with what I was wearing.

— You're a prince, as always! - I returned the compliment.

"You know I love it when you compliment me, don't you?" He asked in a whisper, which made me shiver.

— I know — As soon as I answered, he started a kiss, calm and slow, without any rush, which made me gasp, he knew in all ways what my weak points were, and his gentle kiss was one of them, I was lost in love with him, but as all that is good lasts little, the kiss was finished because of the damn lack of air.

"Let's go or we'll be late," he warned.

I took one last look in the mirror and fixed the lipstick that I had just smeared and right after grabbing my bag, we went downstairs together to where I would say goodbye to my mother. The ballroom was a 30-minute drive from my house and an hour's walk, but we got there quickly as Felipe came in his car. When we got downstairs, my mom was watching a movie with a bucket of popcorn in her hand, that was what she did most when she missed my dad.

"Mom, we're on our way. I promise to be back before 00:00 tonight. - Warned

- It's okay daughter, be careful on the way back and don't use too much alcohol - My mother said as if begging.

— Don't worry, I'll take good care of her, mother-in-law — It was Felipe's turn to speak, and if it were up to him, I wouldn't put a single drop of alcohol in my mouth, because he knew perfectly well how my relationship with alcohol was.

—Then I will trust you, Felipe.

— You can leave Dona Maria.

"Bye mom, see you later!"

After saying goodbye to my mother, we headed to his car and after he opened the door, I was able to sit down. Eduardo was two years older than me, which had small advantages, for example, he could drive and take me to some places I asked without needing my family's private driver. He had gotten his car as an eighteenth birthday present, he was responsible enough to drive a car.

We met in the first year of high school, in exactly three months we will celebrate two years of dating and our engagement party will also take place, he had officially proposed to me at the end of year party, which made me very happy. Different as you think, my life wasn't as good as my family seems to be. My father is a renowned judge in our city, which takes him on several trips throughout the days, leaving his supposedly perfect wife and healthy daughter at home alone, which was a lie, my mother was nothing more than a sad and unhappy woman and a depressed daughter.

Felipe brought back what my father had taken from me, my happiness. In these almost two years I was returning to being who I was before, a smiling girl, who loved helping people, but who, as a result of her father's acts and atrocities, had closed herself off from the world, and who only her best friends had stayed around. side.

“What have you been thinking so much about?” Doesn't even look like my fiancée — Felipe asked laughing taking me out of my thoughts.

— About the things in my life and how you helped me to improve — I was honest.

— And I will always be by your side, to help you more every day — He said what made my eyes fill with tears and then made me open a huge smile.

— Thanks for always being with me — He gave me a long peck as soon as I finished the sentence, which made me have a silly smile on my face.

As soon as we arrived at the place, it was already possible to hear loud music and some teenagers already drunk at the door of the house where the party was taking place. We went to the parking lot together, getting out of the car, not so close to the party, there was a girl with sunken glasses being cornered by two girls from the dance group, pathetic the newbie was, what had she done to piss Aline off right away?

— You shouldn't do this to her — Felipe magically appeared next to the girl making me feel a little jealous, at what moment did he leave my side and I didn't notice?

— Cut that Felipe, that blind girl spilled soda on my skirt, stay on the side of the Trix that's better than you do — Aline said angrily.

"Come on love, this is none of our business!" “I pulled him back to me.

"But you wouldn't like it if that happened to your friends, would you?" he asked quietly, which made me frown.

"We're too popular for that to happen, now let's go!" - I ended up ordering which made him look scared and even I was scared by the way in which I had spoken.

I stepped firmly on the ground, that scene had upset me, it was rare for him to defend someone as well as respond to me, even more a complete stranger like that girl. As soon as we entered the house, the place was full of balls and glasses of drinks on the tables, and from afar I could see my friends, which made me smile and wave slightly.

— My friends are at the drinks table, I'll go talk to them and I'll meet you soon — I warned

— Don't forget that we have to be back before 00:00 at night.

— Don't worry, before 10:00 am I'll meet you — I said goodbye with a kiss and went to meet my friends and he shrugged.

I got closer and right away I saw Lucas devouring a glass of drink and as always the victory complaining to him, he knew how fragile he was and he was still trying to drink.

"Of course you would be here," I said, laughing.

"That idiot knows how he is about drinking and he still does." Victoria patted his back as he . he choked on the drink

"You're only seventeen and you're already like that, your liver can handle you!" — Every time Lucas ingested alcohol, even a small amount he vomited horrors, not to mention he also got drunk quickly.

— Look who's talking, you can't take anything either Beatrix — he countered, which made me raise my eyebrows at his boldness.

“How daring.

— Where's Felipe? Didn't you come with him? Victoria asked as she searched.

— I did, he's probably with his friends right now.

Lucas was sitting in a wooden chair that was right next to us, he was dozing even with all the noise he made, but how could he do it, by heaven, but I knew, it was already the effect of alcohol on his organism and the next step was waiting for the vomiting. 🇧🇷

— A new girl arrived at the school — Vitória scanned the place looking for something.

"And what's her name?" - I asked curious

— Caroline, she's a friend of the nerds, João and Marlon — She warned, I knew them well, we always fought for the highest grade in the class, even getting equal grades.

"Did she come today?"

— Yes, he even got into trouble with Aline — he said, thinking it was the funniest thing in the world.

So that ugly one with the thick glasses was the new girl in school?

"I've seen that, apparently news travels fast."

"I wish I'd seen it, just like you did." He sipped his wine.

- Felipe even defended her, before I pulled him back - I said a little angry.

“It's barely arrived and it's already causing all this fuss.

I agreed, we went to the dance floor, and our bodies moved to each touch of the music, attracting the attention of the people who were in the place, the parties held in celebration were always fun, especially when I could do what I liked the most , to dance.

Some people joined us in dancing, and some boys tried to get close to me, which was harassment, and I knew very well how to deal with a stalker. As soon as the clock struck 10:00 pm, I went out to look for Felipe, which surprised me, since he was with the famous nerd group, people he avoided the most on the face of the earth.

— Baby, it's already 22:00 at night — I kissed him making the new girl a little uncomfortable.

“I almost forgot I had to take you back,” I said, pulling away.

- So let's go? — I called and he agreed, his eyes sparkled when they met the new student's, which made me a little angry.

— Of course, see you tomorrow, everyone — He said goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, losers!" — I was also kind enough to say goodbye, which made Felipe look at me sadly, but I just ignored him.

We went to the car and I avoided looking at him, I didn't want to start a fuss over something that maybe was unnecessary, but anyway, I was a little sad. He knew all my fears, it wasn't possible for him to hurt me, was it?

"What did you treat them like that for?" - Asked me paying attention to the steering wheel. I wanted to avoid this conversation and apparently he wanted to have it.

— I don't like them and I didn't like that girl — I spoke sincerely and firmly.

"Tell me who do you like?" - This time he asked me a little ignorant.

“All the girls but her.

"You don't even know her!"

— And you, do you know? ' I asked and he was silent.

- Let's stop here. I don't want to continue this conversation.

The rest of the trip was silent again, sometimes I looked at him through the car mirror, while he didn't make a point of looking at me, I could have everything, money, trips whenever I wanted, but he knew how insecure in terms of appearance I was, even with everyone around me telling me how perfect I was, the reality is that I hated myself but liked the things I had. When we arrived at my house it was 10:40 pm, the car was parked right in front of us and neither of us made a sound, I felt like crying, both for the way he had treated me and the cruel way he had treated me. my thoughts were making me think of things that didn't exist.

"See you tomorrow, all right?" - He asked

"Yes, can you pick me up?" — I asked

— All right, I can, see you tomorrow — He said giving me a peck that I couldn't help but reciprocate.

I watched the car start and sighed, what a night. Maybe I screwed up, but I knew it was just my anxiety playing tricks on me and I also knew how much he loved me and would never be able to hurt me.

When I entered the hall, I realized that the light in the room was on, maybe my mother was still waiting for me, and at least I had fulfilled my promise, I got home before 00:00 at night.

"What are you still doing up, Mom?"

"I couldn't sleep until you arrived."

— Well, now I'm home, I think we can sleep — I called.

— Yes dear, we can finally sleep.

My mom sighed in relief, she was taking medication for insomnia and I knew how sleepy she got, on that side I was being a bad daughter to her, but now she could rest.

- Good night mom.

— Good night, my daughter.

And so ended another boring day.

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