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The trinity of the underworld become lovers and stop the wars.

Capítulo 1 The Beginning

Megan is 16 and ready to find her mates. She is a rae seer for the Vampire clan in Romania. She was born with a rare mark that tells her her mate or mates but only becomes visible on her sixteenth birthday. Which that is today October, twenty second. Her mark is a simple circled trinity with three stars. That means she has teo mates. Megans father has kept her hidden from the world because of how special she is.

Oliver and Orion, her brothers have always wondered why she was never allowed out. They have been trying to convince their father for years to let her outside. He blatantly refuses each and everytime. The elders of the vampire clan are becoming restless because the only way Megan can be truly useful is to find who she is destined to be with for eternity.

Cayde and Cane her best friends are sneaking her out with the help of Oliver and Orion. They just have to be really careful not to caught by Sylas and Sean. If they due they will all be tortued by Macon. Macon is the Vampire Lord of Romania and the father of Megan, Orion and Oliver.

Sean and Sylas are his twin brother and royal guard for the vampires. The seer family of Megan's mother have been trying to find her for years since their sweet daughter died giving birth to Megan. Megan's mothers name was Kahlan. Megan's true name is Realta. Her familyis Irish on hermothers side. Realta's fate is so unique it only happens once in a millennia. Grian and Gealach are the mens fate names for Realta.

Grian is the werewolf prince of Romania. His clan is so powerful that thevampire coven is scared. Gealach is an ordinary human but was blessed with sight. He can see the underworld and is a benefactor for the ones trying to make a living in the human world. Gealach has always wondered what his mark meant until the faithful day he ran into Grian.

Grian and Gealach was having a drink at a local underworld bar when the both say Realta. They both knew immediately that she was theirs. Suddenly Realta turned and instantly felt the pull. Being half vampyre she was a little reluctant of the wolf. She was a natural half born vamp. She didnt drink blood and she could walk in the sun.

The underworld trinity has finally met. Realta introduced herself and Grian and Gealach did the same. She finally understood that Megan wasn't her given name. Since Grian meant sun and Gealach meant moonin Gaelic Irish. They told her, her given name meant star. Until her eighteenth birthday they would meet in secret.

On midnight of her eighteenth they all decided to run and live their lives away from the drama. Problem is they needed help. Thankfully Realts's friends and brothers helped them get to her mother's family in North America. Realta was starting to have visions of the future and it looked grim.

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