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Sailing on Land

Sailing on Land



A group of friends gathers to play RPG and suddenly gets transported into the game world. Now, they must face challenges and quests to survive while figuring out how to get back home. However, the fate of the game also affects the real world, making the adventure even more dangerous and thrilling.

Capítulo 1 BOOM!!

Every Sunday, friends gather to play a RPG session, and usually, these games last about 3 to 4 hours of pure adventure and excitement! Where players risk their lives trying to survive the traps set by the game master. And today, the story I'm going to tell you is about our adventures in a medieval world that was absolutely crazy! So, hold on tight because here comes... BOOM!!


Tony, Koutz, Lura, Shura, Wally, and Atena. The friends gather to play the session always at 6:00 PM. The game master, Tony, has prepared a story where the players will embark on a new journey in his medieval world. Each one prepares their character sheet, where all the data about their characters is stored. Attributes, abilities, qualities, flaws... everything that describes the character.

- Can we start?! - Tony asks.

- Whenever you're ready! - everyone responds, super excited about the new adventure.

The game master, Tony, prepares his equipment, dice, from d4 to d100, the map, everything necessary to start the game. And the players sit around the table, with their dice and character sheets. Those are their weapons to venture into the story. Tony sets up the table and says:

- In our adventure today:

You live in a village called Drael, which is named in honor of Lord Abel who saved the lives of everyone in the village by killing the dragon that tormented those people.

- Okay, but if the village is named after Lord Abel, why 'Drael'? - Lura asks.

- Because 'dra' is for dragon, and 'el' is for his name, Abel. They just combined half of each name.

- I see...

During Tony's explanation about where they lived, the book, the dice, the character sheets, everything on the table trembled. Each one feels a sensation as if they were floating, but everything seemed normal. Wally looks out the window and realizes that everything has changed outside. The place was not the same. It seemed that everything had transformed into grass, forest, and the night turned into day. Everyone was astonished!

Tony realizes that the players have become the characters they created on their character sheets. Wally is a Gnome. Tiny, wearing green clothes to blend in while in the woods, and with white hair. He carries a bag. Lura is a Half-Elf. Not too bluish, and dressed like an assassin. Black hair and carrying daggers. Koutz is a human. He carries a banjo on his back. Red hair, fair skin, and traveler's clothes. Atena, a taller warrior than the Elf. She carries two swords. One labeled "love," and the other "affection." Also a human. And Shura, a Half-Angel Paladin. He is tall, with long blond hair. Tan skin and carries a church symbol. A necklace.

- Where are we?! - Koutz asks, singing.

- It seems like... we're in the village I was describing to you, and now, I don't know what's going to happen.

- Dude, not to scare you, but it looks like you're 'dis-disappearing', - Wally says, frightened, seeing his friend vanish before his eyes.

- "Dis" what? - Shura asks.

At that moment, everyone realizes that Tony is disappearing. Tony is frightened. Very scared, in desperation, he runs through the room, but can't touch anything, and vanishes.

- Aaaaaaah! - they all scream.

At that moment, a woman entered carrying a basket of fruits, bread, and breakfast food and asked,

- Have you all woken up?

- Wh-who are you? - Atena asked.

- I am one of the doctors from this village. I found you all unconscious on the way here when I returned from a rescue mission. But I'm glad you're okay. It seems like you don't remember anything, do you?

The air grew heavier as she asked that question. The Gnome, the Elf, and the Paladin exchanged intense glances, as if something was amiss. Meanwhile, Tony, as he disappeared, found himself facing a blue screen. There were dice, character sheets, paper, and a pen on his table. He had all the necessary tools, as if he were a "god." He had the power to change the story, add or remove elements, give life or take it away. Everything was in his hands. On the table, he found a piece of paper explaining how the game worked, and he was alarmed by the following passage: "The player who loses their life in this game cannot return until the entire story is completed." Behind the paper, the entire RPG planning he had proposed for that Sunday was archived. This planning was impossible to change. He had everything at his disposal, but there were limitations to what he could do. A microphone appeared on Tony's table, granting him the ability to speak through the NPCs he had created. And so, he began the journey.

The Half-Elf asked, "What was that?" referring to the heavy atmosphere in the room. The doctor responded that it was probably because of his affiliation with the church and the presence of the Gnome and the Elf, which troubled him since they were connected to crimes in that world. Meanwhile, Tony, on the other side of the world, managed to communicate with his friends.

- Guys, I'm alive!

- Who's saying that? - Wally asked.

- It's me, Tony!

Everyone was overjoyed to hear this news, but they couldn't see him. He was like a voice inside their heads.

- Well, - Tony said, - I have what appears to be a manual in my hands. Let's see if it works.

- Wait, what do you mean a manual? - Atena asked.

- Oh, so you still haven't figured it out. We're inside a game. And from what it seems, not to scare you, but it also affects the outside world.

- But how? How did we end up here? - Lura asked, frightened.

- Well... but getting back to the subject of the manual, look at your wrists and press them for a few seconds.

When they pressed their wrists, the players could see their character data. Information about who they were, their weaknesses, strengths, advantages, disadvantages, and everything else that defined their characters, as filled out in their character sheets. Tony lost connection with his friends. They heard a commotion outside, like the sound of horse hooves, and many voices shouting, "New city missions!"

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A Escrava Mais Odiada Do Rei

A Escrava Mais Odiada Do Rei



Há muito tempo, dois reinos conviviam em paz. O reino de Salem e o reino de Mombana... Tudo correu bem até o dia em que faleceu o rei de Mombana e um novo monarca assumiu, o príncipe Cone, que estava sempre sedento por mais e mais poder. Depois da sua coroação, ele atacou Salem. O ataque foi tão inesperado que Salem nunca se preparou para isso. Foram apanhados desprevenidos. O rei e a rainha foram assassinados, o príncipe foi levado para a escravidão. As pessoas de Salem que sobreviveram à guerra foram escravizadas, suas terras foram saqueadas, e suas esposas foram transformadas em escravas sexuais. Tudo foi perdido. O mal caiu sobre a terra de Salem na forma do príncipe Cone, e o príncipe de Salem, Lucien, na sua escravidão, estava cheio de tanta raiva que jurou vingança. *** *** Dez anos depois, Lucien, de 30 anos, e seu povo lançaram um golpe e escaparam da escravidão. Eles se esconderam e se recuperaram. Treinaram dia e noite sob a liderança do intrépido e frio Lucien, que foi impulsionado com tudo o que havia nele para recuperar sua terra e tomar a terra de Mombana também. Levou cinco anos até que eles armassem uma emboscada e atacassem Mombana. Mataram o príncipe Cone e reivindicaram tudo. Enquanto gritavam sua vitória, os homens de Lucien encontraram e imobilizaram a orgulhosa princesa de Mombana, Danika, filha do príncipe Cone. Enquanto Lucien olhava para ela com os olhos mais frios que alguém poderia possuir, sentiu a vitória pela primeira vez. Ele caminhou em direção à princesa com o colar de escravo que tinha sido forçado a usar por dez anos e com um movimento rápido, o amarrou ao pescoço dela. Então, ele inclinou o queixo dela para cima, olhando para os olhos mais azuis e o rosto mais bonito já criado, lhe deu um sorriso frio. "Você é minha aquisição. Minha escrava. Minha escrava sexual. Minha propriedade. Eu lhe pagarei por tudo o que você e seu pai fizeram comigo e com meu povo", disse ele secamente. O puro ódio, a frieza e a vitória era a única emoção no seu rosto.

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